QPS is pleased to announce the launch of its new office in S. Korea (QPS Korea)
As the Korean manufacturing sector grows, QPS is pleased to open its first Asian office in S.Korea to provide product approval services for domestic manufacturers and enable them effective and fast access to North American and global markets.
Located at Suite 1014, A-DONG, GWANGGYO SK VIEW LAKE BLD.,Beopjo-ro 25, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 16514, the new office will provide localized services such as Sales, Field Evaluation, Field Certification, Witness Testing, Certification, NRTL Listing, CB Scheme Certificates, IECEx Scheme Certificates, etc. that are required for access to North American and global markets.
The opening of QPS Korea is part of QPS’s global growth strategy aimed at providing localized product approval services covering various industries in the field of machinery, robotics, process control, medical & laboratory equipment, hazardous location equipment, and consumer electronics.
Recognized as being “pro-business” and the No.1 Field Evaluation Agency in North America, QPS will assist Korean multinational and national manufacturers to get their products to the market in North America and globally, on time! On budget ! every time!
Being accredited nationally (in the USA and Canada) and internationally (in the IECEE/CB Scheme and the IECEx Scheme) QPS is well positioned to assist its customers to gain competitive advantage in the markets they serve. We do this by getting to understand customers’ needs, and by providing high quality and flexible services, backed by professional experts with tens of years of experience in the field of product approval.
About QPS
QPS is a third-party testing, certification and field evaluation body accredited nationally in the USA and Canada, and internationally in the IECEE/CB and IECEx Scheme. Our comprehensive portfolio of services covers training and advisory solutions, global testing and certification services covering key business areas including industrial, process control, electro-medical, explosion protection, consumer products, just to name a few.
For further information on this announcement, contact Nick Maalouf:
To contact QPS Korea: Peter Kim, Country Manager, Conformity Assessment Specialist Office: +82-31-8065-5999 김효진 지사장;